U and Me

1:1 Counselling for All

Many times, when we are in problems, we find difficulty in talking to others for solutions. It is difficult to find answers to our problems from others when in groups and also on individual basis. The questions which play a stopper are like, ‘What will he say if ask him?’ or ‘Will he make fun of me?’ or ‘Will he keep it to himself?’ or ‘Will he really has an answer to my issue?’ or ‘If after this help he stops talking to me?’ etc.

All these questions make us take a step back and we are left with NO SOLUTIONS to our problems. Sometimes what seem to us as problems may not be problems at all, these could be mere small concerns which every other person goes through. But we come to know this fact only when we are able to discuss. If these matters and concerns are not discussed at the right time, they become mountains and take a very big unwanted space on our head. May lead to illnesses.

Hence, we at उद्गम strongly believe in ‘One-on-One talking and Relieving’. Here you as a child and or parent shall talk to us in confidence, faith and under protection of love, can share your concerns and get answers to your questions, which remain only yours. U and Me together will find solutions to your difficult situations and problems.

How to contact? WhatsApp to fix your appointment slot. This will help us to be prepared with.